Saturday, September 28, 2013

Various Ways To Remove Skin Tags

Skin tags, known to science as acrochorda, are small, harmless growths. They tend to occur in places where the skin forms creases such as the neck, armpit, groin or eyelid. These loose skin flaps or mushroom-shaped bumps are usually less a centimeter in size. They may be the same color as the skin or take on a darker shade. Depending on their size, color, number and location, acrochorda can range from barely noticeable to unsightly and embarrassing. There are several methods which can be used to remove skin tags.

Cauterization with an electrolysis needle is one technique employed by doctors to destroy acrochorda. The procedure is painless as the patient is given a local anesthetic. The doctor uses electrolysis to seal off the blood vessels at the base of the tag and to burn away the growth cells. The wound is dressed and will heal in a matter of days. A course of antibiotics may be prescribed.

Cryotherapy involves freezing the acrochorda. A dermatologist uses an applicator or spray to apply an intensely cold substance such as liquid nitrogen to the skin tag, destroying the cells. The process can take between five seconds and one minute depending on the size of the tag. The patient may experience a painful burning sensation during this time.

For those that can afford to visit a cosmetic surgery clinic, laser treatment is a good option for acrochorda removal. A laser is used to cleanly cut through the tag without leaving a scar. The procedure is painless and takes about ten minutes to complete. No repeat treatments are necessary.

Surgical excision is medical jargon for removing acrochorda by simply cutting them off. A dermatologist uses a scalpel or scissors to slice off the tag at the root. There is some pain and bleeding associated with this method, but aesthetic tends to be regarded as unnecessary. Excision works best with small, thin tags or those formed on narrow stalks. Some people even cut off their own skin tags at home using nail-clippers sterilised in alcohol.

Ligation is an old fashioned treatment for acrochorda which can be successful if performed correctly. A piece of dental floss or thread is wound around the base of the tag, tightly tied and left for several days. This restricts the blood supply to the tag, causing it to shrivel and eventually fall off. This method requires patience and an ability to tolerate discomfort.

Preparations for removing acrochorda have recently become available at pharmacies and over the internet. These safe and painless home treatments cost significantly less than those performed by medical professionals. A solution is applied to the skin tag which causes it to scab over and drop off in less than ten days.

Acrochorda affect more than forty percent of adults and pose no risk to health if left untreated. But like all skin imperfections, they can lead to self-consciousness and lower self-esteem. With so many effective skin tag removal methods to choose from, clear smooth skin can easily be restored.

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